So I totally take back what I said about waiting a week before I get onto the PTR. I couldn't resist the urge so downloaded it, joined the Korean server, and my comp is now running fine without lag. I currently have a 19 Druid, Priest, Shaman, and Paladin on the PTR so will be testing those one at a time. Then my plan is to copy over my F2P's and get some coverage on mage, feral, and, depending on if there are any major changes from 19, Shaman.
General Changes:
- Lightning Shield is now a one hour buff instead of having three charges and needing to be constantly redone.
- Gift of the Naaru is ticking for 77.
- Wrangler's of the Eagle have been changed to 2/2 rather than 3/3. This leads me to believe that other greens may have had similar changes.
Firstly, the shaman that I'll be basing all of these stats off of is
Bìllòw. My current stats on the PTR are 1929 Health, 550 Mana (this does not change no matter what you do), 16.09% Spell crit and 55 mana per 5 seconds in combat.
- Earth Shock (16 Mana): Hitting for 160 normally and 325 crit. Something to note is that it also has "Demoralizing Blows" attached to it which weakens physical damage dealt by 10% for thirty seconds.
- Flame Shock (13 Mana): Hitting for 75 normally, 150 crit. With 30 dot damage normally, 60 crit.
- Lightning Bolt (8 Mana): Hitting for 220 normally, 440 crit.
- Primal Strike (10 Mana): Hitting for 90 normally, 150 crit.
- Searing Totem (6 Mana): Hitting for 30 normally, 65 crit.
- Lightning Shield: 68 normally, 130 crit.
- Healing Surge (35 Mana, 1.47 cast): Hitting 850 normally, 1700 is an average crit although I've seen as high as 1900. I can spam healing surge in combat for about 47 seconds before running oom.
- Riptide (18 Mana): 250 instant normally. I've used it about 200 times now and it hasn't crit. Judging by everything else I think it's pretty safe to assume it will crit around 500. 120 hot normally, 240 crit).
Right now from what I've heard about the current dps it will take four of five players to bring a good healer down. To quote
Veinte: "The damage feels like Hamcake Land and the healing is double what retail is right now."
The only real changes I see as Ele is increased Lightning Bolt damage (330 normally, 800+ crits) and slight increases in flame and earth shocks. Healing Surge is hitting for 700 normally and 1400 crit. Thunderstorm is hitting 175 normally and 440 crit.
First big change with enhancement is that unlike Ele and Resto, the base mana pool is 110 instead of 550. This really only allows you three or four healing surges before ooming. Primal Strike and Lava Lash both only hit for 110 with 180 crits. As it is currently, you may as well just spam lightning bolt instead of wasting time with LL and Primal.
Honestly, I'm not liking what I'm seeing so far. Although I'm glad shamans at 19 finally have a viable heal and riptide as a bonus, the healing on all classes is out of hand. Considering that you can turret heal in combat for 47 seconds before you oom, healers will most likely never oom. On top of the outrageous healing across the board, Enhance damage is absolutely horrible and although the crits with ele seem nice, the normal spell damage isn't as high as it is on retail where there is much lower healing. There's no way I can see the current damage being viable in a bracket with this kind of healing.
If you're looking for a TL;DR version of this post, here it is: big heals, bigger disappointment.