Saturday, July 21, 2012

The PTR: 19 Holy Pallys

The paladin that I'll be basing all the information I provide off of is Billowqt. To start, the paladin is sitting at 2129 HP, 550 Mana (which seems to be the standard for 19 healers), 53 in combat MP5 and 17.74% spell crit. With nine hit rating I'm still hit capped but with seven I drop down to about 4%. Here's a breakdown of the spells:
  • Hammer of Justice (4 Mana): Pretty much the same thing as retail. Just wanted to show mana cost. 
  • Crusader Strike (3 mana): Hits 70 normally and crits for 170. 
  • Judgement (6 Mana): Hits for 140 normally and crits for 340. 
  • Holy Shock (18 Mana): This is probably going to be one of the most powerful spells in the bracket. Offensively, it hits normally in the high 600s (a lot have been 666, perhaps an eerie foreboding the chaos that awaits 19s and F2P's due to outrageous healing) and crits for 1400+. As of now this is probably the highest damaging spell that I've seen in the bracket. The healing portion is about the same. As far as I've seen it almost always crits, making the move even more dangerous. 
  • Word of Glory (with three charges): Heals for 400 normally and crits for around 800. The heal really isn't significant and I see most pallys avoiding the spell for the most part  to keep the speed increase. 
  • Flash of Light (42 Mana): Healing for 900 normally and critting for 1800+. 

If you can't already tell from my lack of enthusiasm in the post, I'm not at all liking how healing is looking in this Xpac. Right now it seems like PuGs will be almost unplayable with all the FoTM Healers and premades might need to go to such lengths to make a two healer rule. Hopefully things get fixed before this goes live. I have a premade tonight but hopefully I'll still be able to get coverage on Priests and possibly Druids, even though Drayner has some great coverage on both Boomkin and Resto that you should definitely check out. 


  1. pallytwinkjr always #1 pally
    i am not pallytwinkjr/roguetwinkjr i knew him though he got banned during wotlk :(
    i miss bloodlust 19s

    btw billow u old skool tink do a coverage on prots pallys :D

  2. I'll get together some kind of a prot set by sunday. From what I've heard though from greatest to least damage it goes Holy >>>>>>>>>>>> Prot > Ret
