So the lovely Yde just made another great post on the TI Forums detailing how to download and connect to vent.
To this day it still amazes me how there are so many people that if you ask to get on vent will become unresponsive or reluctant. So to all those people, vent is fabulous for these reasons.
The first is communication. You're playing in a five man on Aerie Peak and just got into an intense game against a Vashj five man. Your team is down 1-0 with three minutes left on the clock and you find yourself in the enemy flag room just having picked up the flag. You let your team know in BG chat that you'll be exiting tunnel and as you're a little past boots, you notice two Vashj hunters coming up tun right toward you. You decide to turn around and go out graveyard side noticing that its clear. However, the vashj hunters had the time to alert their team of your change of course but you didn't have time to stop and type to tell yours. As you hit graveyard a swarm of Cyclops-kin await you and you meet your untimely demise costing you the game. With vent, you would have been easily able to tell your team your new plan and give them running updates on when to be ready for repicks, peels, and lots of other things. To give an arena situation, you're running the beloved RMP and because there's obviously not enough time to type out when you're CC'ing and interrupting in an arena, you constantly find your teammates overlapping kicks, CS's, sheeps and fears while the other team seamlessly connects their CC's and target swaps effortlessly because they're on vent.
The second major reason is the social aspect of vent. Face it, if you're on AP, Vashj, Moon Guard, or wherever you are, its clear that you hate playing alone and enjoy seeing an active chat and having people to talk you. Believe it or not, a busy vent channel is even better than a busy barrons chat-esque f2p channel. Conversations flow better, you can communicate even when xrealm or offline, and queue syncs just got 20 times easier because you don't need to worry about the 800 health rogue on AP trying to sync with you even though you tell him not to. Another bonus of using vent for social reasons is that, unlike with AP Chat, you and your friends can drop to a different channel and not have to deal with those that you don't want to. You can even put super cool secret passwords like "Veinte is terribad" on the channels to keep people out.
In conclusion, vent helps you win. Vent is fun. If you don't believe me, listen to Livingforce sing. Now go buy a headset and read Yde's thread.
ReplyDeleteNo, you are lovely! :)
billow num 1 old skool shaman tink
ReplyDeletenot as old skool as defias warrior kahr though
Really enjoying your blog! Your topics are things that are right up my alley. Adding you to my rss reader in 3 2 1... Also, I've got a silly little journal/blog if you ever feel like looking at it. It has a lot of noobness to it though, hence I rarely share it.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your next post!
<3 Yde and Kahr and thanks a lot for the feedback Rev. It's definitely good to know people are enjoying the posts :D
ReplyDeletei m not kahr. bloodlust #1