Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Something to try out

This is just going to be a quick second post before I go to bed. Just wanna put it up real quick before I forget about it in the morning.

Active arenas were probably the main thing that drew me to the F2P bracket and they are probably the main thing keeping me there.I have a subscribed account and $15 dollars a month definitely isn't an issue for me, especially when I enjoy a lot of other aspects of the game. However, no matter how busy I may get at 85 I'll always make time to log onto AP and play some quick arenas with friends - especially after the games I had a few weeks ago.

In the moment, I may have called it the most fun I've ever had playing f2p. While that may have been a bit of an exaggeration its definitely something I'd want to do again. After doing some fun Lock/Shaman mirrors with SalfirWinn, and Waterworks, Winn had to go and we were stuck without a fourth to get 2s going. However, the one person that did say they were interested happened to be a third shaman. Seeing the potential for fun in the situation (and the opportunity for me to play ele) I got Salf to log on a shaman and we did ele/resto mirrors. Although the games did allow a somewhat high margin for error because of the lack of burst, the power of thunderstorm definitely wasn't something to underestimate and turned almost all of the games into nail-biters - particularly when we found ourselves in Dalaran and Blade's Edge.

The whole point of this is to let people know that obviously f2p is a great place to try out arena in general, but its also ideal for trying out comps or matches that you've always wanted to or that you may not think can work. Give em a shot, who knows how they'll turn out.

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